Supervisory Reporting Working Group

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In construction This page is intended as interactive working board of the supervisory reporting working group of XBRL Europe



Charter of the working group

To be provided

Information area

Banking Supervision


Currently, technical information on the EBA Data Point Model and the related taxonomies may be found in the Web site of EBA: (sic).

This page lists the different DPM and taxonomy packages' artefacts as well as the current list of validation rules with their status.

An Excel workbook lists the validation rules, including those that are to be deactivated because they are wrong or may cause issues. It is located in the section of the last available version, but covers all versions, in different worksheets.

It is updated periodically; at the time of writing this text, the current version is located at (version of December 18th, 2014).

Taxonomies versions

The version numbers here represent the DPM and taxonomy package version. Each taxonomy inside a package has its own version number.


The first reference date of this version is December 31th, 2014.

Known issues

Single filing indicator value for C 6.01 and C 06.02

In version 2.3, table C 06.00 has been renamed C 06.02, and a new table, C 06.01, has been introduced. Hovewer, the filing indicator's value of version 2.2, "C_06.00" has been kept (in fact C 06.01 and C 06.02 should have been named C 06.00a and C 06.00b, respectively).

So, tables C 06.01 and C 06.02 are considered as a single reporting unit, corresponding to the filing indicator's value "C_06.00". In taxonomy package version 2.4, this will change and the new values "C_06.01" and "C_06.02" will have to be used.



Belgium: National Bank of Belgium

France: ACPR / Banque de France

All information related to Banking supervision reporting may be found in the "e-SURFI Banque" Web site: Currently the information is available only in French.

Inquiries and request for support must be sent to:, in English or French.

Insurance Supervision


Currently, technical information on the EIOPA Solvency II Data Point Model and the related taxonomies may be found in the Web site of EIOPA:

Inquiries and request for support may be sent to:

Taxonomies versions

V1.5.2 (obsolete)
V1.2.1 (France only)

National Competent Authorities

Belgium: National Bank of Belgium

France: ACPR / Banque de France

All information related to Insurance supervision reporting may be found in the "e-SURFI Assurance" Web site: Currently the information is available only in French.

Inquiries and request for support must be sent to:, in English or French.